Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

More double postings.

Feb. 18, 2010: So today I continued working on the glossary/database query, and basically, made little progress. After much thought and soul-searching we’ve decided to have two databases, one for the glossary itself and one for the category ids. The glossary database contains an id for each Term/Definition, Terms, Definitions and category ids (labeled with a number between one and twenty-six) that corresponds with a letter of the alphabet. The second Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

So, as you can gather from my headline, today was not a good day. I got to the internship and proceeded to try and get the glossary page to print out. It didn’t. I tried numerous things. Rewriting most of the model function, roughly four times. Nothing. Rewriting the view script about twelve different ways. Nothing. After a while I had to just call it quits and move on to something else. That something else was Drupal 7.

I went to the Drupal site and finally started looking around in the modules page for things to download that would pertain to the site in the long run. Amongst some of these were News feeds, Email fields, and PDF links. I was actually starting to cheer up during all this, when Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

Feb. 15, 2010: So, yesterday I was trying to fix the issues I was having with the glossary page and ended up fixing one of them. After trying so many things on the foreach loop ($def_query as $item) of the view page over the past few days, I decided to change the $def_query to ‘def_query’ to match the code in the controller. It ended up getting rid of the Undefined variable Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

I keep just posting these damn things on the weekends, maybe I’ll just make that my thing. Knowing how things work, I’ll start posting in the evenings after I’ve finished for the day. Just to contradict myself. I know me:

Feb. 9, 2010: So I spent the day writing a Codeigniter controller program for the database of glossary terms/definitions. I mainly just wrote and read about Codeigniter and the MVC framework. Here’s a brief explanation on what the hell MVC is: Codeigniter is a framework that separates the application logic from the presentation. This means Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

So once again, I have not kept up on actually posting on the days I’m suppose to. So here are two more days:

Feb. 2, 2010: So today was a rather boring day. Stevie was still working on replacing the Legacy code with proper code. I spent most of the day reading up on Codeigniter and doing PHP exercises. We did get to talk about the database a little. He liked the database I created. A very slow day.

Feb. 4, 2010: Well, today was a little more productive than Tuesday. Stevie went home sick halfway through the day, so I took it Read more »