Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

So today (May 9, 2010) I spent a good portion of the day trying to get a version of the dropdown menu on the WAHomeowners site onto the Drupal site. Apparently it’s a little more complicated than I originally thought it would be. I guess the theme I’m working with (Zen) doesn’t play well with the dropdown menu module that I installed. Nothing was working. I tried to put it in the Navigation Bar, but the problem I’m having is that the Navigation Bar exists only in some of the menu choices in Drupal. It’s very weird. There are dropdowns within some of the admin parts where all the menus are available for choosing, and then there are other dropdowns that have most of the menus available except the Navigation Bar. It’s really frustrating. The steep learning curve has come back. I think next week I’ll just try and get the original dropdown to work in Drupal. I started all this because I realized I wasn’t putting in content that dealt with WAHomeowners, but was putting in content from the WARealtor’s site. It’s okay, I’m going to get something done. I’m too damn determined not to.