Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

The stuff that leads up to beta Thursday.

Apr. 12, 2010: I basically spent most of today just fixing little problems here and there that dealt with the Flowplayer video system. This Thursday Stevie has a web-based presentation to present a beta version of the site for the board of directors. I had little things to fix and then copied and pasted the needed code into a text file so we could copy and paste it into the proper Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

Oh, what a week. Man, what a week.

Mar. 5, 2010: This glorious day I spent figuring out one problem with the Flash video player and discovering yet another. My original problem was the sizing issue. When you went to enlarge the player, the two edges I couldn’t get “officially” colored in would show up in the corners and the beveled edges would appear along the top and side edges. Well, I Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

This is the start of my three day a week internship. Take it in people. Take. It. In.

Mar. 29, 2010: So today was a day to spend on more CSS study. It was the all important Box Model problem. This is something that, believe it or not, is a tricky issue for even advanced designers to grasp. It involves how content is laid out on the page. Maybe not laid out, but more like sizing issues and knowing what the hierarchy is when it comes to content. It goes like this: the content itself is the “lowest” on Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

Back by popular demand, it’s four different posts. Give it up, ladies and gentlemen!

Mar. 16, 2010: I pretty much just spent the day trying to finish up the backend of the glossary portion of the site. It was basically a no-go for a lot of the day. So I decided to spend the rest of the day going over some PHP. It was a little slow. I eventually just posted a request for some help with the frontend of the site (mainly just to get the sections to Read more »

Posted by & filed under Intern Atonement.

In the interest of doing something a little different, I’ve decided to do a large post that covers two days instead of doing two separate posts. I’m sure the zero people who read this are thrilled beyond compare about this wild turn of events. Yep.

So this week I continued my journey into the depths of admins land. On Tuesday I had a dentist appointment early in the morning, so my trek that day actually started at about 11:30 am. But start it did. I actually accomplished much this day. During the end of last week, I was having some trouble with getting the status information from the second database to appear on the admins page. I decided Read more »